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Evething Bad Is Good For You 

This semester I read Everything Bad is Good for You by Steven Johnson. I picked this book because the title was very enticing and an interesting contradiction. I quickly realized in my reading that Johnson is trying to convince the reader that the media and technology people say is clouding the minds of our generation can actually be used as a great tool to not only learn more about the human brain but also improve it. Johnson describes this as “kind of positive brain washing…making our minds sharper.” Throughout the book Johnson provides dozens of examples and evidence from real world TV shows, games and other popular media that prove media and technology truly can positively impact our brains. The new wave of technology resources available can make us better learners than ever and provide new tools and opportunities for people to learn with a style that works best for them. Johnson shows the reader that everyday without even thinking about it happening, media and technology is making our brains stronger and tapping deeper into our minds.

I really enjoyed this book and gained a new perspective on the way the technology we use everyday can be applied to learning and intelligence. This book is great for anyone but, I found it especially interesting and helpful for anyone interested in the field of education. For example Johnson talks a lot about gaming in his book and proves that it can be a great teaching tool. “It’s not what you’re thinking about when you’re playing a game, it’s the way you are thinking about it that matters.” Many kids are already practicing this skill at home on video games, without even thinking about it but also bringing games into the classroom not only teaches them curriculum but also deeper level thinking skills, such as problem solving. This book taught me that today with all our technology and resources students are learning more than ever. Although it may not all be “educational” content “all around us the world of mass entertainment grows more demanding sophisticated, and our brain happily gravitate to that new found complexity.” Students now love to learn more than ever but we have to engage the students for them to care enough to discover their potential. Media and technology can be a great resource in the classroom to engage the students in a topic and gain knowledge.

As a future teacher I now see the true importance of technology and media integration in the classroom. Students and all people are now deeper thinkers and eager to learn because of all the media resources available to us at the touch of a button. I can use this to engage my students and encourage them to pursue their own learning and make discoveries on their own using technology. I am excited to see were technology is headed in the future and what kinds of gadgets will be out that can help students learn but I think the internet and apps are the best resources a teacher can have.

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